an4ernik писав:У Тони Фишера есть)
І не тільки 7х7!
....The 'puzzle' itself was created partly for the hoax but also because I wanted to own a 9x9x9 mock-up until I could get my hands on the real thing. (this was long before the KOs) It was necessary to make three separate '9x9x9's for the hoax.
Sometime ago I picked up 200 poor quality Mini (keychain) Rubik's Cubes on ebay. These were a perfect size for my fake 9x9x9s. The first step was to fix three of these cubes together in a stack forming a 3x3x9 block. I did this in such a way that it was possible to rotate all nine horizontal rows though nothing else....
ArbAlet69 писав:блін, в мене проблема, поки я чекав коли на мозгусі з'явиться 8ка, вона зникла з лайтека, а в мозгусі вони лише з білого пластика, дайте ссилку де можна купити 8x8x8 з чорного пластику. (крім 51морфанс - вони брехуни)